Check out this great article from Axios – The states where high-income Americans are moving to and from during the pandemic. It looks at the migration of high-income earners during the pandemic. Vermont certainly is in the spotlight. We have the most high-income earners moving here and the fewest high-income earners leaving.

The findings from this study are totally inline with what we have witnessed with real estate purchases in Killington during the pandemic. The pandemic forced employers to find ways to accommodate remote workers from all over. Being able to now work from anywhere, people moved to Killington from cities like Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia, as well as, from densely populated areas like Long Island, Connecticut, and New Jersey. We have found that many choose Vermont because of the open space, the lack of crowds in stores and restaurants, the good school systems, the affordable real estate, and the proximity by car to those cities they left behind.

If you live in New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Long Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, or any other densely populated area, and are contemplating a move to Killington, VT, give us a call, or contact us. We will take you through the pros and cons of moving here based on the feedback from many others who made the move to Vermont before you.

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